GuildMestar Developer Insights - August 15, 2023

Hello GuildMestars,

The great bug testening is upon us! Everything has been completed in regards to the update and bug testing is well under way. The unfortunate though sometimes fortunate thing about bug testing is that there is no real estimate for how long it will take. As this is the largest update yet testing will take some time and as an additional requirement I am planning on completing a full playthrough prior to the update's release. This is to both ensure that the game is as bug free as possible and to accurately gauge the first act's length.

While not an entirely accurate depiction of the amount of content to be coming I'd like to provide some numbers as to the amount of changes made. Below is an image depicting the four major commits I've made to my repository so far. The green numbers indicate the new lines added and the red numbers signify the lines removed / changed. Though the red numbers look high and you may ask why remove so much, most of the time a red line is simply one the repository (in this case github) can no longer identify. This may be due to many factors but in this case it is mostly due to surrounding lines being altered or added. Like I said, not entirely accurate yet an fun statistic none the less.

For a couple more digestible numbers the main quest line will be expanding from 2 quests to 9, the number of randomly generated dungeon bases will expand from 3 to 9, hand crafted dungeons will go from 2 to 19 (though this is a bit of an exaggeration as some are special and others can not be seen in the same playthrough resulting in more like 12), and a purposefully vague number of new adventurers,  enemies, and bosses!

With all that said it's time the testing begins once again, if I have any additional information to share between these regularly scheduled updates it will be posted in the public discord (which can be accessed here). Drop on by and leave any thoughts you may have on the project so far!


StrangerTod - OffPath

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